Having up-to-date machinery a must for industrial development: ICCIMA head

TEHRAN – Head of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA) has said having advanced and up-to-date production lines and machinery is the prerequisite for developing export-oriented industries, the ICCIMA portal reported.
Mentioning a meeting of the country’s industrial manufacturers with Leader of the Islamic Revolution Seyed Ali Khamenei on February 1, Gholam-Hossein Shafeie said: “Having employment-generating and export-oriented production requires bridging the gap between the technology level of domestic and global production lines.”
In the meeting with the country's producers the leader had stressed the need to pay attention to "employment-creating and export-oriented production" in order for the country to overcome its economic problems.
According to Shafeie, the decline of the value of the national currency against the U.S. dollar along with the sanctions have prevented domestic producers from upgrading their production lines, and this has created a gap between Iran and the world in terms of technology.
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